Reliability and Trustworthiness
TrustVehicle aims at advancing technical solutions for automated driving to better assess critical situations in mixed traffic scenarios and even under harsh environmental conditions, hence increasing safety far beyond the current levels.
The project follows a user-centric approach and will provide solutions which significantly increase reliability and trustworthiness of automated vehicles and contribute to end-user acceptance.
Fault-Tolerant and Fail-Operational
The output of the TrustVehicle project is extensively assessed in real-world operating conditions on three demonstrators representing three vehicle classes. Special focus will be put on the demonstration of the fault-tolerant and fail-operational system behaviour as well as 24/7 availability. End-users of the technology will systematically and thoroughly be involved to express their requirements, expectations, and concerns.
Market Impact
TrustVehicle has the opportunity to have a large impact on the market by providing key methods, components and tools for automated driving. Four road transport markets and 50.000 (in 2020) up to 1 Million vehicles produced by the TrustVehicle consortium (by 2030) will be impacted. Revenues of 100Mi€ per year for key components and of 10Mi€ per year for engineering services and tools will be generated.
Interdisciplinary Knowledge Building
The success of TrustVehicle is based on the excellent combination of expertise from key industry players and research partners.
There are partners from 6 different EU member states as well as OEMs from Turkey. This leads to a geographical coverage that is excellent for ensuring validity of the results and enabling interdisciplinary knowledge building throughout of Europe.