Final Video released!
TrustVehicle in a nutshell. Get an overview of the project and its achievments:
TrustVehicle book available now!
Our book “Enhanced Trustworthiness and End User Acceptance of Conditionally Automated Vehicles in the Transition Period” providing insights into the TrustVehicle project rounded off by contributions from our sister projects interACT and BRAVE. Get your copy here https://www.springer.com/in/book/9783030608606
TrustVehicle Final Virtual Event
TrustVehicle is coming to an end after more than 3 years of intense project work. Join us online in our final event to learn all about our results and achievements on our road to “Improved trustworthiness and weather-independence of conditionally automated vehicles in mixed traffic scenarios”.
When: Tuesday, 27 October 2020, 09-12 CET
Where: online, MS Teams Live Event
What: Agenda
Don’t hesitate and register now!
Ford Otosan and University of Surrey @ test track
Ford Otosan and University of Surrey, conducted their first vehicle test of the reverse trailer parking algorithm together on the Ford Otosan’s test track at Eskisehir, Turkey. First vehicle tests, which took more than 40 hours on test track, provided many insights about how software performs and results of the combined efforts of TrustVehicle’s previous workpackages.
VIDEO: Truck-Trailer Back-Parking
The Ford Otosan back parking use case is progressing well. Check out the IPG video with the University of Surrey’s trajectory planner and controller implemented.
M30 General Assembly Meeting at Virtual Vehicle in Graz
On November 8th, the TrustVehicle partners met in Graz at the VIRTUAL VEHICLE Research Center to discuss the project status and to prepare for the upcoming final six months of the project full of exciting demonstration activities. Stay tuned!
TrustVehicle Special Session at IEEE ICCVE 2019
At the ICCVE 2019 last week, one session was dedicated to TrustVehicle. Speakers from the University of Surrey, CISC Semiconductor, VTT, Ford Otosan and Volvo Cars presented their work and results achieved within the project. Thanks to all for the great presentations!
M24 General Assembly Meeting at Ideas&Motion in Cherasco, Italy
Our Year 2 GA meeting at our partner Ideas&Motion in Cherasco, Italy is officially over! After successful and fruitful discussions, the consortium is looking forward to an exciting last project year with a lot of testing and demonstration activities going on!
TrustVehicle was at Autonomous Vehicle Expo 2019
On June 27th, TrustVehicle partner University of Surrey attended the “Autonomous Vehicle Expo 2019” event which was held at International Centre, Telford, UK. The event was an opportunity to connect with autonomous vehicle experts to discover advanced concepts, and technologies as well as enabling to get the results to market faster.
TrustVehicle partner University of Surrey shared the hall with the leading exhibitors from across the UK and Europe showcasing the very latest technologies.
Horizon 2020 Success story published
Would you trust a driverless car? Their future depends on the industry creating vehicles that make drivers feel safe. That’s why we are developing software to encourage confidence in this new technology. Check out our success story: Europa-Research&Innovation
EUCAD 2019
Together with BRAVE and interACT, we presented the TrustVehicle project at an information stand at EUCAD 2019, the conference on Connected and Automated Driving in Brussels. We are happy to spread the idea of TrustVehicle to a very interested community.
First half of the project successfully completed!
On January 30th, the representatives from each TrustVehicle partner traveled to Brussels for the mid-term review meeting. We presented all tasks and activities carried out in the first half of the project as well as the achieved results. Furthermore, Ford Otosan gave a preview on WP6 where the physical demonstrations will happen.
The review was completed successfully and the consortium is looking forward to an exciting 2nd project half.
First project video is out now!
Don’t miss our video, filmed during the pilot study on the driving simulator at AVL List.
Year 1 GA meeting at Volvo Cars, Gothenburg
Our Year 1 GA meeting at Volvo Cars in Gothenburg is officially over! After successful and fruitful discussions, the consortium is looking forward to an exciting second project year!
11th Graz Symposium Virtual Vehicle
Micaela Troglia from our partner CISC presented her poster on “Human centric approaches for automotive applications in early design” at the 11th Graz Symposium Virtual Vehicle.
TRA Vienna
Prof. Ahu Ece Hartavi Karci discussed how to managing the transition towards automation at the Transport Research Arena in Vienna .
R&D Days at Uludağ University in Bursa
Colleagues from Tofas presented our project at the R&D Days at the Uludağ University in Bursa, Turkey.
H2020 Transport 1st ART projects Workshop
On December 12th 2017, the Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA) invited all ART projects to Brussels to give them the opportunity to introduce themselves and define areas of common interest. Our coordinator Daniel Watzenig presented the TrustVehicle project and discussed potential collaborations with the other projects.
TrustVehicle M6 F2F Meeting in Munich
Six months of project work went by and the partners met again in Munich to discuss the progress that was made and to define the next steps. An intense discussion on the use cases and scenarios brought a clearer view on the project focus of simulation and demonstrating.
Of course there was enough time for socializing and discussions in a nice atmosphere.
TrustVehicle Kick-Off Meeting in Graz
After the official start of the TrustVehicle project at the beginning of June, the Kick-Off Meeting took place at Virtual Vehicle in Graz from June 12-13 2017. All partners of the consortium came together to get to know each other, to present Work Packages and to discuss the next steps. It was the beginning for a fruitful collaboration within the next 3 years.
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